TTPP41: His Journey to Tax Barrister and Prolific Tax Writer with Keith Gordon (Tax Career Success Secrets Ep 4)

Keith is a well-established tax barrister, and a keen tax writer – you’ll likely find one of his articles in any tax magazine you pick up.

Whilst I had read many of Keith’s articles, I didn’t know about his journey. He actually didn’t start off training to be a barrister and is something he did around 10 years after working in tax. I’d always thought doing a law conversion whilst working would be tough, and well, for Keith it was even more challenging as he had a family of his own.

He’s written many articles and books, and won Taxation’s Tax Writer of the Year in 2013. He’s also won Taxation’s Chartered Tax Advisor of the Year in 2009 and Outstanding Contributions in 2019.

Despite the accolades and achievements, from the small time we spent together, one trait stood out to me and is one I admire: Keith has always stayed true to himself, and there’s a few funny anecdotes throughout the episode.

Listen to find out more – in the above podcast player or by searching for The Tax Professionals Podcast in your podcast player of choice.

Guest -Keith Gordon


Twitter: @keithmgordon

His Tax Chambers Page:

Keith’s books:

You’ll Learn

  • Keith’s tax career
  • (14:00) Keith’s experience of converting to a tax barrister, and how he balanced studying, work and family
  • (22:30) Keith’s refreshing story on how he got into tax writing, along with some tax writing tips
  • (37:30) Keith’s standout piece of advice he received and his tips to help you progress, develop and improve your tax career

Other Tax Career Success Secrets Episodes

TTPP35: From Deloitte Partner to OTS Tax Director, with Bill Dodwell (Tax Career Success Secrets Ep 1)

TTPP36: His Journey in Tax to CIOT President with Peter Rayney (Tax Career Success Secrets Ep 2)

TTPP38: Falling into a Tax Career to becoming CEO with Nimesh Shah (Tax Career Success Secrets Ep 3)