Quickly access the information you need for each question during the ATT/CTA exams, to ensure you pass, with your very own 'revision' folder. 
The May 2021 ATT/CTA exams are open book for the second time, due to the coronavirus pandemic. This means that you are able to use ANY material that you want in the exam.

Deciding what material to use may seem overwhelming, since you can use anything you want.

You may already have a good idea on what you plan to use, but Nitin Rabheru, Tax Lecturer for BPP Training with over 21 years’ experience, highly recommends using a single source of material as your main resource: a ‘revision’ folder.

This step-by-step guide, created by Jack (host of the Podcast) and Nitin, will help you create your very own revision folder, which you can use for each question during the exams, to quickly get the information you need to help you get those all-important marks. 

And pass of course!

Get the Guide: