TTPP102: How Using a Passion Can Vastly Benefit & Improve Your Tax Career with Andrea Manzini

How can you take advantage of one of your passions for the benefit of your tax career? That’s the main focal point of this episode.

An easy example of this happening is with our guest for this episode, Andrea Manzini, who is better known as the guy campaigning against the High Income Child Benefit Charge. His campaigning has already resulted in an improvement. 

But his day job isn’t to campaign: he is an indirect tax specialist who currently works in house.

We get to hear Andrea’s story about how his passion started, how it evolved, how his career has benefitted, and his advice for you and others wanting to find your passion that will benefit your tax career. I also add in my own perspective and comments quite a lot in this one to drive home the point and give you a different perspective.

By the end of the epsiode, you should have an idea of how to identify your own passion to take advantage of for your career.

Click the play button above to listen or click on of the below links to go to the podcast player:

Guest – Andrea Manzini


Andrea’s petition:

Me – Jack Bonehill




  • Overview of Andrea and his tax career
  • (6:30) How Andrea’s passion to change the High Income Child Benefit Charge (HICBC) started
  • (18:45) How Andrea’s tax career has benefitted from his passion for the High Income Child Benefit Charge (plus a bit about my ‘tax’ passion)
  • (37:30) Advice to help tax professionals find and take advantage of a passion of theirs for the benefit of their tax career

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