TTPP112: Winning Tax Work: From 0 Clients to Hundreds in 4 Years with James Edwards

If you want to become a tax director/partner in an accountancy firm, or want your own successful tax business, this episode is a must listen.

James Edwards, our guest, started his own firm, Anderson & Edwards, in May 2020, with 0 clients, and is now overflowing with tax work. He’s done such a good job of tax business development (BD).

The episode is to help you win more tax work of your own, by James sharing his beliefs about winning work, his approach, where his work comes from, and how to get external referrals.

Click the play button above to listen or click on of the below links to go to the podcast player:

Guest – James Edwards

James is a CTA qualified tax advisor that runs the tax side of Anderson & Edwards. His area of expertise is private client – so trusts, individuals, CGT, and deceased estates.



Me – Jack Bonehill




  • Into from James
  • (3:45) James’s beliefs around winning tax work
  • (6:30) Winning work in the beginning and did James tax on too many bad fit clients initially?
  • (13:45) How James has got to the point of winning so much tax work and where it comes from
  • (21:00) How James Splits his time between his 3 work-winning areas/avenues and taking risks
  • (33:00) An example of how James wins tax work from referrers
  • (51:00) Helping clients see the value in the work you do


Masterclasses for tax professionals:
Tax Research Masterclass – finding the answer to tax questions, using tax legislation and guidance
Tax Advice Masterclass – how to provide high-quality tax advice that clients value

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Their resources are where I usually start all my tax research. I’ve used it for over 7 years, and I think it’s great.

There’s detailed guidance, high-level guidance, overview guidance, case law, legislation, and more.

My personal favourite is the “in-depth” guidance.