TTPP113: Exceptional Tax Technical Skills: Key Benefits and Why You Should Develop Yours

You clearly need tax knowledge to work as a tax advisor – but what are the key benefits of having EXCEPTIONAL technical knowledge, skills and ability and WHY should you aim to have this yourself?

In this episode, I answer the above question; I explain what I mean by technical knowledge, skills and ability; and I share a real client story where I used tax technical to try to achieve a unique and highly positive result for a client, worth over £200k of tax refund, if successful.

Click the play button above to listen or click on of the below links to go to the podcast player:

Me – Jack Bonehill




  • (2:30) Story: The Million Pound Employee Payout
  • (12:00) Story debrief
  • (14:15) What I mean by technical knowledge, ability and skills
  • (15:00) Key benefits of exceptional technical knowledge, skills, and ability
  • (20:00) Why you should aim to develop exception technical knowledge, skills and ability


Masterclasses for tax professionals:
Tax Research Masterclass – finding the answer to tax questions, using tax legislation and guidance
Tax Advice Masterclass – how to provide high-quality tax advice that clients value

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