TTPP 24: Tips to do Your ATT/CTA CPD Effortlessly but Effectively

Whilst doing my CTA, I remember feeling a bit worried about the CPD (continued professional development) requirements. At the time, the CPD requirements for CTA were 90 hours a year. That felt like a lot.

I thought that the only way to do CPD was through traditional courses. These courses can cost hundreds of pounds at a time, and a lot of them require attendance in person.

Would I have to incur all these costs myself? Would I need to use my holiday for CPD, or would my employer provide CPD at work?

If I needed to do 90 hours, fully self-funded, that could be a huge personal cost, in terms of both money and time.

I’ve now been doing CPD for my CTA for a few years (my last exam was November 18), and it turns out that it’s actually pretty straightforward to do.

For a start, the requirements have fortunately changed from a time-input to an output-based approach, instead. I think that is so much better, as it is now based on quality of CPD, not time spent.

There are also so many different things you can do that count towards your CPD – a lot more than you probably think.

So really, it turns out I had no reason to worry, but you may be feeling like I did, and so in this episode, I’m going to give you some tips and reassurance, based on my experiences:

The CIOT and ATT’s guidance is really thorough, and so I can highly recommend you take a look on top of this episode.

Take a listen to find out more!

You’ll Learn

  • What the requirements of CPD are for CIOT/ATT membership
  • Tips, from my experiences, on how you can approach CPD to meet the requirements
  • Some effective but effortless ways to do CPD

Resources & Episodes Mentioned in the Episode

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Books mentioned in the episode:

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ATT/CIOT CPD guidance