TTPP32: The Technical vs Practical Tax Advisor and Which One’s Best with Grahame Jackson, Tax Partner

Grahame Jackson, an ADIT-qualified Tax Partner, used to run a family printing business before training to be a solicitor and becoming a tax partner for Gibraltar-based law firm, Hassans, which is his current role.

Over the course of his career, from business owner to now, he has been, and still is, on the receiving end of many pieces of tax advice, and he put a post on LinkedIn where he explained that he tends to see two types of tax advisor (broadly, a technical advisor and a practical advisor), the main topic of this episode.

To help you become better at providing advice, in this episode, Grahame shares what he has learnt from working with many tax advisors, his thoughts around the circumstances in which each type of tax advisor is best, tips around how to provide great tax advice, and how to become a trusted advisor so you can add maximum value to clients with your advice.

Listen to find out more!

Guest – Grahame Jackson, an ADIT-qualified Tax Partner

Grahame’s LinkedIn:

International Tax Bites podcast – here

Hassans International Law firm:

Grahame’s Book (A Practitioner’s Guide To International Automatic Tax Information Exchange Regimes):

You’ll Learn

  • About the technical advisor vs the practical advisor
  • Grahame’s tips on how to provide better tax advice
  • How being a trusted advisor will improve the advice you provide to clients, and ways to become such an advisor

Resources and Related Episodes

TTPP10: How to Write Good-Quality and Practical Tax Advice

TTPP18: How to Explain Tax Rules and Concepts Clear

TTPP28: Provide Great Tax Advice on Grey Areas (6 Tips!)