Nimesh said to me that he’s never aimed for promotion. That’s not been his goal. He’s also not driven by salary or title.
So what does drive Nimesh? And how has he gone from tax senior manager to tax partner in less than two years, and then to become CEO?
His answer may be unsurprising.
From the little time I had with Nimesh, two attributes really stood out to me.
The first, I believe he has a kind and emphatehtic approach to working with others.
The second, he clearly has a strong desire to do the right thing – by clients, himself, his colleagues – and to continually improve his skills. Every night on the train home, he would re-read his sent emails, to think how he could improve them.
Once he told me this, it was no surprise that he progressed as quickly as he did. And this is one of the many gems he shares with us in this episode.
Listen to find out more
There’s plenty more Tax Career Success Secret episodes in the pipeline! Episode 1 was with Bill Dodwell, current director of the Office of Tax Simplification and the second was with Peter Rayney, current president of the CIOT. You can access these in your podcast player of choice, or in the below links.
Guest – Nimesh Shah, CEO of Blick Rothenberg
You’ll Learn
- (2:50) An overview of Nimesh’s career
- (19:30) How Nimesh went from Tax Senior Manager to Partner to CEO, without trying for promotion
- (30:30) How Nimesh started working ‘smarter’ rather than harder
- (33:30) The ironic reality when Nimesh started to properly delegate, which he wishes he did sooner, plus a discussion around delegation
- (39:30) An amazing way to improve your staff’s confidence, and a powerful piece of advice a colleague provided Nimesh which gave him the freedom to develop
- (45:30) Advice Nimesh would give to his younger self, knowing what he knows now
- (49:00) Nimesh’s final tips to help you improve your tax career
TTPP36: His Journey in Tax to CIOT President with Peter Rayney (Tax Career Success Secrets Ep 2)