TTPP45: Her Journey to Tax Partner at 35 with Jennie Brown (Tax Career Success Secrets Ep 5)

In episode 5 of the Tax Career Success Secrets series, we are joined by Jennie Brown.

Jennie is a CTA-qualified Tax Partner at Streets Chartered Accountants, and became partner at the young age of 35.

She has worked in both personal tax and corporation tax, but now focuses on personal tax, which is where her passion lies.

Based on the time I spent with Jennie, one of her clear strengths is caring for, nurturing and supporting her team. She places great importance on this, and she shares her approach and philosophy in this episode.

Take a listen to find out more!

Guest – Jennie Brown



You’ll Learn

  • Jennie’s career and why she chose to specialise in personal tax over corporation tax
  • (16:30) How she dealt with what she felt was a lack of training early in her career, which stopped her from leaving the profession
  • (28:00) About Jennie’s approach to nurturing and building her team, and taking advantage of everyone’s strengths
  • (41:30) What Jennie thinks contributed most to becoming a partner at 35 and her experience so far
  • (48:45) Standout advice that Jennie received, and advice she would give to her younger self, knowing what she knows now

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