TTPP67: 9 Tips to Become Better at Presenting Tax Webinars

In this episode, you’ll learn how to get better at delivering tax webinars – webinars that you will, as a tax professional, inevitably have to present at some point in your career!

I’ve never been a fan of presenting, but over the last year, I’ve done a lot of it!

I’ve delivered webinars for the ATT & CIOT, CPD Store, and The Tax Recruitment Company, and have tried and tested a few strategies.

The key is definitely in preparation and practice.

But on top of this, there are tips that have helped me a lot!

You’ll hear about all of these in this episode.

You’ll Learn

  • 9 tips to help you deliver impactful, memorable and engaging tax webinars
  • Tip 1: Tell people what is coming up and what they can expect to learn
  • (5:30) Tip 2: Use the notes section within PowerPoint to add prompts/scripts
  • (9:00) Tip 3: Make sure your slides are simple & visual
  • (13:15) Tip 4: Break down complicated information into bitesize chunks – almost always needed when talking about tax rules or legislation!
  • (16:15) Tip 5: Ask polls/questions to make the webinar interactive and keep attendees engaged
  • (18:30) Tip 6: Tell relevant real stories
  • (23:30) Tip 7: Do live demos by sharing your screen
  • (25:15) Tip 8: Set exercises to do during the webinar
  • (26:30) Tip 9: Tailor your language and presentation


MBL Webinar: MSC Rules from Start to Finish – A Risk Management Guide for Tax Advisors & Accountants by Jack Bonehill

Tax Research Masterclass

Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks: Engagement, Teach, Persuade and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling (book)

Benchmark Your Salary or Discuss Available Roles

with James at The Tax Recruitment Company.

Find out what you’re worth and if you’re paid the right amount.

Mobile: 07768 252 252
Book a Zoom meeting:

P.S Corporation Tax roles are in large supply, and James is currently recruiting for many of these