Ever come out of a meeting, thinking that it was a complete waste of time?
Like it was not necessary for you to attend the meeting?
That your time could be better spent elsewhere?
You’re not alone.
This is a common problem for those who work in professional services (and not just restricted to us who work in tax!). Learning how to run an effective meeting is one of those things we are not taught.
We end up learning from observing, and there’s a good chance the people we observe haven’t been taught how to run an effective meeting either.
Can you see the problem?
The thing is, running an effective meeting is not rocket science, as this episode’s guest, Loren Lazarony put it, as long as you know HOW.
Once you know how and have a little practice, it is easily doable!
Loren is the owner of Laz International Training, and has been providing business skills and project management training to global professionals for over 8 years. He has particular expertise in relation to running effective meetings, which he has distilled down into an online course.
Meetings are an integral part of being a tax professional. For me, being able to run effective meetings is especially important in relation to client ones, but regardless of whether you work for an advisory firm, within an in-house tax team, or otherwise, being able to run effective meetings will benefit your career.
In the episode, Loren provides lots of great straightforward, practical tips that you can implement to enable you to run more effective meetings.
Take a listen to this episode, and let’s put an end to bad meetings!
Guest – Loren Lazarony
Website: https://www.lazinternational.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/loren-lazarony-pmp-prince2-practitioner-551850/
Course (How to Have Better Meetings!). Use code TAX-PROF-POD for 35% off: https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-have-better-meetings/
You’ll Learn:
- How to run effective meetings and earn respect as a good meeting host
- The type of meetings attendees dislike and how to avoid them
- How to decide if a meeting is appropriate or if another medium is better suited, so that people don’t feel like the meeting is a waste of time
- How to properly plan and prepare a meeting (spoiler – it includes an agenda) to ensure the appropriate points are covered effectively
- What to include in the agenda to ensure the objectives of the meeting are achieved
- The idea of having a timekeeper and how to keep a meeting on track
- How to be or choose a good note taker or be a good note taker yourself
- How to encourage engagement and input of all attendees
- How you should approach a virtual meeting differently to a face-to-face one
Loren’s Course (How to Have Better Meetings!): https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-have-better-meetings/#reviews